Friday, January 30, 2009

Study Abroad Site Wins Award!

Our Study Abroad Site won a regional award!

Ciara and I are still trying to figure out what award exactly that was. Like we said, we've been a little busy.
But, we're pretty stoked.

Keeping up

It's been a busy month indeed for the Mazz Squad- sans our fearless leader. But, we've been plugging through.

As Allie posted, ETC is now up.

And, the newest issue of Response is up as well.

We've still got a few loose ends to tie up. But, it's mostly in place.

Ciara is also working on a fabulous email for the President (shh..)
and I am working on a new site for the School of Health Sciences. So, check back for some before and after shots.
It's going to be amazing.

Loopy is beginning to get into full swing. spuAIGA is planning a "Loopy Competition" where art students will compete to create as many loopy header images as they can in an hour. Afterwards they'll vote for the best and the winner will get a local gift card. Pretty sweet. Date still to be determined. We're hoping it expands our options.

In the mean time...anyone have a brilliant idea and want to create a loopy header?
Submit your work!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mazz Squad.

We miss Bryan.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Busy Bees!

The Mazz Squad girls have been busy as bees with an assortment of projects and assignments that make our site a little sweeter. Stay tuned for updates!

Meanwhile, have you seen Loopy, the new and improved student e-newsletter? Well, it's pretty cool, and we all had a little hand in it. Yep.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Much love

Hey Squad members! Just a shout out from California to keep up the good work and keep rocking the web.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Congratulations, Melissa!

The Squad's own Melissa Dorr (now McCAULEY) got hitched over Christmas break.

Let the happy times ensue for the Mazz Squad.